assalamualaikum wbt.
i have come to jot down some things that i do not really know what they are..actually i've been so totally damn bored like ever and i just do not know why *bosan yg TERamat2 bosan hanya Dia yg is kinda weird coz when i'm nearer to the 'finish line' (to end dis semester), i've been more lonely..well, in this case, lonelier than evaaa!!!!
this could be coz each one of us are very2 busy with their final year project..and me??busy la jugak but not always..mengadap laptop 24jam pun bukannye leh datang mencurah2 idea nak writing tesis kan??ok..there are just many possibilities to think of..i must be forgotten..or maybe all of a sudden i've become the VVUP (very very unimportant person)..or maybe they just don't want to disturb me as they know i would be busy..but am i??haha..couldn't answer that one..
if dulu my fon asyik, nak dengar bunyi pun susah..paling2 tak my mum jela yg call hari2..bosan2 pun call dia (actually miscall je..smpai membebel2 org tua 2 ckp kredit cpt abis coz gayut sama i..hahaha)..well, what could i do rite??
actually there are lotsa work to do but like i've stated before, my eyes sore asyik ngadap skrin, kinda not in a good spirit these days..tomorrow ada presentation and i should be cracking my head preparing it..but slide dah siap..text ucapan??aish..halfway done..Mr Mood has get away (should've put him in prison while i still can..huuu)
k2..enough's not like my life is going to change in a split second..impossible la tiba2 je after siap tulis entry ni ada orang yang akan text me or something like it??haha..we'll see..and please don't give in too much hope..sobs..
enough for now..tatitu frens ;p