Monday, January 2, 2012's JUZ a yeaR??

NEW YEAR!! it's here..skelip mata je dh masuk taun baru.. mcm xcaye tp tpakse gk la kn.. so, 2012..... is it possible dat taun ni akan same dgn taun2 yg lepas or akan ada prubahan even sbesar kuman zarah?? let's juz leave the question to everyone and msing2 leh try jwb later on (juz make sure dat you won't take a whole year.. after all, TIME IS GOLD!!)

agaknye azam taun baru dh tsemat dlm dada ke?? yela, maybe ada mcm2 nk buat.. xsempat n so on are reasons yg msing2 need to solve the problems b4 being able to achieve their goals (everyone has exactly 24-7, no more no less.. so, make the time accordingly)

dis new year might be a fresh start to improve oneself 4 the better.. ada dis 1 ustazah kt channel Oasis (Astro) penah cakap, if no improvement at all (dis includes every aspect of you and your life), then rugilah kamu.. yela kn, logically, the time given to you has no meaning at all if you have never tried to improve yourself and use the time wisely.. life is too short to waste yet every second is PRICELESS!! (thank you ALLAH)
new year resolution list:
  • new spirit (to succeed in everything we do.. lau yg ada exam besar dis year, molek sgt la semai yg ni awal2 b4 it's too late)
  • new job (if sape2 bcadang nk tukar mood kerja and try something new.. maybe ada jgk yg xtahan dgn old position.. MAYBE..)
  • new car (lau dh tukar 2 sabar2 la..jgn lak jd cm baju.. but if mampu then fine aje..)
  • new relationship (ni for yg single and is looking for a life partner.. gud luck!! and for yg dh ada, jgn nk gatai2 lak mncari2.. juz prepare for a brand new better start)
  • new clothes (suitable for yg nk mnyambut Chinese New Year.. if yg br nk stat keje or ubah old style, ape slhnye 2 buy some =D  )
  • anything yg new la.. must be positive, itu penting!!

hmmm.. 2012 ni byk jgk isu2nye.. lbh2 lg about the end of the world etc. byk pulak ramalan2 yg dibuat.. ada yg cakap begitu, ada yg cakap begini.. kaum Maya punye prediction la sume.. it's ok to believe.. tp yg part2 natural disaster je la.. coz according to situation skrg, the weather and sume mmg susah sgt dh nk predict.. many things had changed in these past few decades.. MotherEarth is getting old la katekan..

if sampai nk ckp yg 2012 is the end of the world mmg xptut la nk pcaya.. no one could predict the exact date and time.. hanya Allah yg Maha Mengetahui.. with His will, it could even be tomorrow.. yg pntingnya, improvement ke arah yg lebih positif harus dperhebat slagi masa msih ada.. balance kn aktiviti dunia dgn bekalan akhirat.. insyaAllah sama2 la kite perbaiki dri utk persediaan btemu Dia.. wallahualam =)

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