when reading this entry title, people might say, "what the heck???" or even "'SIPUT'??". and i wanna start with a laugh. HAHAHA
being insanely cautious about finishing my final year project lately. ok2. i'm doing about 'siput'. and my title would be 'The Diversity and Distribution of land snails in Peninsular Malaysia!'. the problem is that i need to deal with so many samples and specimens. after all it is for the whole Peninsular! isk. i need to ID or identify them to genus level, but actually till species watsoever. huuu
feeling like crying actually. well, it's coz i had wasted so much of my time doing things that are unnecessary. and at last i need to leave out 1/3 of my samples as there would not be enough time. and now guess what?? what??? haha. i need to present my results and full data to my supervisor exactly in a week of time (it won't be a big prob if everything is ready....but...huuuu)
crying out loud JOM!! haha. at least i'm going home tomorrow. but not really having the great time of my life as i need to prepare everything for the presentation...
you guys wanna see some of my lovable snails??? (as if!! hahak)
my dear amphidromus
my love cyclophorus
ok2 enough for now. enjoy the sight of my sweet pumpkins up there. and there are only 3 genus. while i need to deal with about 20 genera or more!! i think. haha
tchao friends..see ya in next entry...(i need to calm myself down here while thinking of so many undone jobs and works) *-*